BOOK REVIEW: [5 STARS] If you’ve always wondered how to make sense of the Bible, Ehrman’s book is a great place to start. Having pretty much grown up believing the Bible is always literally true, I had already made a shift in that area by the time I read Ehrman. Conservatives hate this book because they are still in that literalist mindset. But Christians have no reason to fear this book. It is full of good scholarship, logic, and respect for the original writers and historical context of Scripture. Ehrman concedes the changes made to the Bible are not huge (although they do contradict doctrines like inerrancy and biblical preservation) and the historical record of Jesus is intacct and a solid foundation for faith. (Ehrman became an agnostic for other reasons). I found his discoveries strengthen my faith rather than erode it. I guess that’s because I’ve learned not to put faith in the Bible but in God. Enjoy Misquoting Jesus.

Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (Harper Collins, 2007)