Confessions of a Bible Thumper

My Homebrewed Quest for a Reasoned Faith

ConfessionsCoverPublisher: Engage Faith Press

Available in paperback or e-book at:
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This project started out as a personal goal to get my journey and discoveries down on paper. It ended with an inner drive that went way beyond choice. I had to write this book.

“Confessions” is the story of how I became struck with the incongruity of my personal experience with a loving God compared to the religious baggage I was told to carry while inside the evangelical church. Despite being a committed missionary to “unreached” Muslims in Africa, I began a journey to uncover the inconsistencies of my faith through historical and biblical research. I had no idea where the trail would take me but was committed to follow where the evidence led.

Half of the book takes place in a microbrewery where my friends and I discuss my new-found discoveries about a more historical-based way of viewing the Bible, church, salvation, the afterlife, gays and lesbians, sexuality, the “last days,” nationalism, life origins, and how God can take residence in pubs.

One friend is supportive and on the same journey as me. Another is curious and open but still a bit suspicious. A third objects to my new findings but allows me space. A fourth vehemently objects and declares me a heretic on a dangerous path.

Back Cover Summary

Confessions of a Bible Thumper is Michael Camp’s examination that sent him on an illuminating spiritual adventure, a tenacious quest for a vibrant but reasoned faith in God. His deepening doubts propelled him to uncover nine “heretical” revelations that turn evangelical theology on its head. Through entertaining personal vignettes and lively conversations over craft beer, readers learn how he ultimately adopted a new vision for a progressive – but not stereotypical – faith in Christ. Sure to rattle the Religious Right and befuddle the Secular Left, this brutally honest personal pilgrimage will both challenge and encourage readers to rethink all things sacred and embrace a faith full of grace and reason.

What Others are Saying

“Camp’s book marks an important milestone. It adds another chapter to a growing body of literature about what it is like to awake from the evangelical dream… I recommend this book!” – Frank Schaeffer, author of Crazy for God

“…will stir a lot of people to rethink much of what they believe and do.” – Tony Campolo, author of Red Letter Revolution

“…a provocative and insightful memoir by an evangelical Christian who dares to quit blindly accepting the ‘bible-based’ assumptions of fundamentalism…” – Mel White, author of Stranger at the Gate and Holy Terror

“…has all the marks of a spiritual classic. Its honesty, courage, humor, and real ‘God’ experiences are the mandatory rungs in the ladder people need to climb out of today’s toxic cocktail of fundamentalism and cynicism, and walk boldly into the dazzling light of authentic spirituality. Bravo!” – Jessica Maxwell, author of Roll Around Heaven

“An important book for both conservative and progressive Christians. Much of it reads like a novel while being highly instructive.” – Marcus Borg, Jesus scholar and author of 21 books including The Heart of Christianity

Also see: Craft Brewed Jesus